Contribute & Earn/Fundraising & Loyalty Points

Published: Wed, 11/04/15

SVM Global Initiative Updates
November 4, 2015
Hi ,

Following up on our last two conference calls and getting back on track, Sheila V. & Associates has expanded on the means by which you can earn the income you desire to achieve financial independence before, during and after we enter The Marketplace. Every step we take requires some need for business service support and it is our intention that you not only profit from the service(s) you may need to afford but from the professional(s) providing the services, as well.

Get Back Double Your Contribution
The one-time payments made by those of you who were first to become clients of Sheila V. & Associates and later Upgraded to advance your Numbered Position within the firm has been used to cover operating expenses that have brought us this far, so the $33 once set aside to cover the subscription cost for your first week in The Marketplace, now has to be raised by alternative means. We have several offers and option we can take advantage of to obtain the funding we need however; I believe in us the ability to raise the funds on our own. For you as a contributor, this means double the reward in Loyalty Points and/or payment for cash loans and gift card purchases. These offers are available to anyone contributing to support our efforts.

1st Year Income Projections for SV&A: $2.8B in Client Service Fees
Clients of Sheila V & Associates will now be able to earn Loyalty Points for every contribution made to ensure the success of the SVM Global Initiative. As contributors to our success it is only fair you have a glimpse into the 1st years projected income for Sheila V. & Associates. It wouldn’t be wise for me to reveal the potential of all our income streams but on a very basic level, these numbers reflect 20% of the income we are expecting to generate as a company within days after we complete our launch into The Marketplace. Completing our launch cycle will signal to the waiting world that we are finally all in and getting paid: SV& A 1st Year Projections-Limited View.

Funding Needing to Complete our Launch
We are maintaining our numbers at 1,500 SV&A Clients and $0 (Zero Dollar) Program Participants ready to be paid through and earn their first commission checks the minute I transfer $50,000 of the funds we raise into our TMktP business account!”

Breakdown of Costs and Spending
Completing the launch cycle we began seven months ago will require a last lump sum infusion of $60,000:
  • Forty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred($49,500) credited to the $1,500 SV&A clients awaiting placement in The Marketplace at $33 person to begin week one of developing their individual businesses, as well as, of commissions previously earned,
  • Two Thousand Five Hundred ($2,500) for legal and business financial consulting for off-shore business development,
  • Four Thousand ($4,000) for travel expenses and,
  • Four Thousand ($4,000) in working capital.
The $8,645 we have already raised has gotten us this far to include covering all necessary expenses to keep us going while I was out on Grandma maternity leave but I will have to give it my all and then some to get us back to that point and will appreciate every bit of your assistance along the way.

Launching By Friday, December 4, 2015
Timewise and financially we are behind and need to get ahead of the game. The difference between us and the average business or family fallen behind is our numbers. We’re large enough in size to make a complete turn-around that will change our lives and everyone else across the globe before Christmas if we just commit ourselves to that end.

We need $60K. Our new target date for completing our launch is December 4, 2015. We have plenty of time to make sure everything is right before moving forward so let’s do it!!! Here are some of the ways you can help us make it happen:

Elites-10% ~ Premier-15% ~ Standards-20%




#1) Please remember there is a conference call scheduled for this evening, Wednesday, November 4, 2015

#2) Due to a glitch in our email system at the time Linda sent me the information to give you about applying for Merchant Loans,  I received everything piece-mail am just now able to compile it for you to use. It's likely I will not be done before the conference call today, but will get it too you as soon as possible.

#3) As soon as I send you the Merchant Loan information, I'll complete and send the docs our latest potential investors are asking for, then Phil Thompson and I will complete the videos meant to help newcomers navigate our website. In the meantime, I created a landing page you can send out until our IT guy affixes it onto our site: SVM Global Initiative Landing Page

#4) A lot will be going on this month and most of you were concerned about us having a better way to keep you informed of all the new progress. Mark designed a site for just that reason months ago but I haven't had time to bring it current. In any case, I'll complete the design, hopefully, by next week and make it accessible for everyone seeking specific information whenever it is wanted.

That's all until tonite!

See ya then!

Rev. Sheila V.

Call In Number:    (701) 801-1220      Pin   593-655-084#
Next Conference Call Date and Time:   TBA       9:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM CST, 7:00 PM  MST, 6:00 PM  PST,  5:00 PM Alaska, 3:00 PM Hawaii, 11:00 AM the next day,  Australia. 

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