Published: Wed, 01/20/16

SVM Global Initiative Updates
January 20, 2016
Hi ,

I’m still receiving information from various financial companies around the world that ae helping us determine which direction would be in our best interest. I would be more specific but we still have information security issues.

The emails, still needing to be sent out, will relay my final decisions and provide step-by-step instructions on what to do next. 

I’ll be in touch again as soon as I have some solid answers or this coming Monday, whichever comes first!

Keep the faith!

Love you!

Rev. Sheila V.
Sheila V. & Associates, LLC, Founder & CEO
Toll Free: (866) 370-SVMG (7864)
Bus: (347) 897-6062
Cell: (310) 403-3329
Skype: SheilaVE
Skype#: (347) 474-7868

Call In Number:    (701) 801-1220      Pin   593-655-084#
Next Conference Call Date and Time:   TBA       9:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM CST, 7:00 PM  MST, 6:00 PM  PST,  5:00 PM Alaska, 3:00 PM Hawaii, 11:00 AM the next day,  Australia. 

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