Signing Up in FAN Under Other Businesses, Groups & Team Leaders

Published: Fri, 01/20/17

SVM Global Initiative Updates
January 20, 2017
Hi ,

It has come to my attention that some SV&A Clients have already signed up in FAN. SV&A Clients whom have already signed up in FAN under other businesses, groups and team leaders will be placed in the system after the last SV&A Client is entered but before I bring in the 5,000 or more leads I mentioned in the latest conference call.

The first account established for you in FAN will be the one we focus our efforts on building and helping you pay off to maximize your income earning potential. It wouldn't be fair if we made FAN accounts for SV&A Clients our first priority while clients signed up outside of our collective, make those accounts their 1st priority. The best way to get ahead is to take care of each other before extending outward. If we spread ourselves too thin too quickly, regardless of strategic planning we'll feel as if we're just spinning our wheels.

Always be mindful of the mission.

Feel free to contact me with questions regarding my decision.

All the best!

Rev. Sheila V.
Sheila V. & Associates, LLC, Founder & CEO
Toll Free: (866) 370-SVMG (7864)
Bus: (347) 897-6062
Cell: (310) 403-3329

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Call In Number:    (701) 801-1220      Pin   495-223-756#
Next Conference Call Date and Time:   TBA       9:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM CST, 7:00 PM  MST, 6:00 PM  PST,  5:00 PM Alaska, 3:00 PM Hawaii, 11:00 AM the next day,  Australia. 

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1. Click this link if you have not yet signed up to become a client of Sheila V. & Associates, or $0  Program Participant of the SVM Global Freedom Fund

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2. Click the JOIN GROUP button.

3. Wait for one of our Admins to approve you!

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