Postponing Tonight's Conference Call ~ September 11, 2017

Published: Mon, 09/11/17

SVM Global Initiative Updates
September 11, 2017
Hi ,

This is the exact email I will be sending to both SVMG & TMktP Lists.

This is email is to announce that  TONIGHT'S CONFERENCE CALL will be postponed until the date listed below.

Dimitri and Phil made it possible for me to resolve a lot of my domestic responsibilities so I could focus my time and energy on preparing everyone for moving forward as previously discussed. I've literally spent the whole weekend grocery shopping, prepping meals for the week and all last night finishing my laundry and just woke up. Things most people take for granted can be milestones of accomplishments for some. 

I have met with and really like the owners of the $15 program so I'm putting it back on the table. It is a crowdfunding platform based on a one-up and two-up system of payment. Right now I can't figure out that system to save my life but hope I can grasp the concept before the end of the week. The name of the company is "BITFUNDZA!" It has lots of supports and great YouTube videos you can watch to familiarize yourself with the company.

Using the game BINGO as an analogy, we will be playing with 3 cards. I have two "CRYPTOFUNDRAISER" cards and one "BITFUNDZA" card:

Cryptofundraiser          Cryptofundraiser              Bitfundza

      $50                                  $50                              $15

Here is how we will proceed: If you can afford to participate in Cryptofundraiser once, you will be placed accordingly, if you can afford to sponsor 2 members simultaneously, I'll place you accordingly, If you can afford participating in all 3 simultaneously, then that is how you will proceed. If you have no financial means to participate, you will be sponsored into Bitfundza first until we are able to afford you into, first one then, both Cryptofundraiser positions for participation.

The next conference call is scheduled as follows: 

 Expect 1 to 1 1/2 hours for the call followed by a 20 min. Q & A session.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017 ~ 9:00pm EST

Call In:  (701) 801-1220

Alternative Call In: (425) 426-1291

PIN: 495-223-756

 Here is the information you'll need to access the next conference call recording.

Replay/Recording: (701) 801-1229

Reference#: 135

Should you have any questions or wish to speak to someone regarding the topics to be discussed during the upcoming conference call, feel free to either respond to this email, call using the contact information below.

All the best!

Rev. Sheila V.
Sheila V. & Associates, LLC, Founder & CEO
Toll Free: (866) 370-SVMG (7864)
Bus: (347) 897-6062
Cell: (310) 403-3329

Confidentiality Notice! This electronic transmission and any attached documents or other writings are confidential and are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) identified above with the stipulation that use "shall do no harm to the  reputation and/or businesses participating in The SVM Global Initiative specifically, Sheila V. & Associates, LLC, The Marketplace at SV&A, LLC and The SVM Global Freedom Fund. This email message may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure under applicable law. If the receiver of this information is not the intended recipient, or the employee, or agent responsible for delivering the information to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, reading, dissemination, distribution, copying or storage of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this information in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete the electronic transmission, including all attachments from your system.
Call In Number:    (701) 801-1220      Pin   495-223-756#
Next Conference Call Date and Time:   TBA       9:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM CST, 7:00 PM  MST, 6:00 PM  PST,  5:00 PM Alaska, 3:00 PM Hawaii, 11:00 AM the next day,  Australia. 

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