Published: Mon, 01/22/18

SVM Global Initiative Updates
January 22, 2018
Hi ,

This same message is being sent to both SVM Global Info and Updates 
and TMktP Launchers lists.

It's really time I begin making video recordings of the information everyone needs in preparation for what is to come, for this reason no live conference calls are scheduled for this week. Scroll down for more details provided in the BEFORE THE WEEK IS UP" section of this email.

The Ride The Litecoin website has been up the last few days and Raymond's been testing it for operational effeciency with team leaders who jumped in the minute it was up.

WE WILL NOT BE GOING INTO RIDE THE LIGHT COIN UNTIL THIS WEEKEND. There's no sense in rushing in before I'm ready and I AM NOT READY YET!!! Typically, those on the team who are ready and just want to get in as if some lead advantage will come of it, are the first to become upset when no one is signing up behind them.

The top 2 reasons why people may not sign up underneath you immediately after you've donated your way onto a level are:

#1. I AM NOT READY to place anyone underneath you or;
#2. I AM READY but the program, for whatever reason, goes offline before I can finish bringing everyone in.

By waiting until this weekend to go in I am trying to ward against either scenario happening. There's really no mystery to it and the expenses occurred during these delays are more painful for me as business owners than anyone not having to prepare as much as I must before giving the "GO!!!"

By this weekend I expect to be caught up with the accounting, sent out the CSLCUs, have completed the Ride The Lite Coin instructional pages on the SVMG-LC.org website, and pre-recorded information and instructions to be available via Startmeeting and YouTube to help people sign-up and set-up in Ride The Litecoin in as easy a process as possible. The same information will also be available via email for those you simply want to read it through.

I'll also finally reveal the program alternatives I've decided on in place of USI-TECH and AirTM. The hope is that along side Ride The Litecoin, we could recoup some of our recent losses, as well, I'll be able to apply the same incentives to both new ventures as I outlined for USI-TECH, offering a great number of referrals to boost your performance and income earning potential as deserved for the NUMBERED POSITION acquired by your efforts to UPGRADE to ELITE and submit payment on invoices.
Sheila V. & Associates, LLC (SV&A) Referral Bonus' for "Clients Only!"
Click here for more information on how to become a client of SV&A.

Elite Client Service Level (Veteran) Status Paid-In-Full
9 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2016 Invoice Paid in Full
8 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every Partially Paid 2016 Invoice (50% or more)
10 Personally Enrolled Distributors for each 2017 Invoice Paid in Full (2 total)

Elite Client Service Level (Non-Veteran) Status Paid-In-Full
8 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2016 Invoice Paid in Full
7 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every Partially Paid 2016 Invoice (50% or more)
9 Personally Enrolled Distributors for each 2017 Invoice Paid in Full (2 total)
Elite Client Service Level (Veteran) Down Payment/Partially Paid (+50%)
7 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2016 Invoice Paid in Full
6 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2 Partially Paid 2016 Invoices (50% or more)
8 Personally Enrolled Distributors for every 2, 2017 Invoices Paid in Full (2 total)

Elite Client Service Level (Non-Veteran) Down Payment/Partially Paid (+50%)
6 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2016 Invoice Paid in Full
5 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2, Partially Paid 2016 Invoices (50% or more)
7 Personally Enrolled Distributors for every 2, 2017 Invoices Paid in Full (2 total)

Premier Client Service Level (Veteran)
5 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2016 Invoices Paid in Full
4 Referrals per every 2, Partially Paid 2016 Invoices (50% or more)
6 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 3,  2017 Invoices Paid in Full

Premier Client Service Level (Non-Veteran)
4 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2016 Invoice Paid in Full
3 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2, Partially Paid 2016 Invoices (50% or more)
5 Personally Enrolled Distributors  per every 3, 2017 Invoice Paid in Full
Standard Client Service Level (Veteran)
3 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2016 Invoice Paid in Full
2 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2, Partially Paid 2016 Invoices (50% or more)
UPGRADING to Premier or higher is required to receive USI-Tech Referrals for Paid 2017 Invoices ​​​​​​​

Standard Client Service Level (Non-Veteran)
2 Personally Enrolled Distributors per every 2016 Invoice Paid in Full
1 Personally Enrolled Distributor per every 2, Partially Paid 2016 Invoices (50% or more)
UPGRADING to Premier or higher is required to receive USI-Tech Referrals for Paid 2017 Invoices 

$0 Program Participants ~ 0

​​​​​​​God bless and Godspeed to our success!!!

Rev. Sheila V.
Sheila V. & Associates, LLC, Founder & CEO
Toll Free: (866) 370-SVMG (7864)
Bus: (347) 897-6062
Cell: (310) 403-3329
Email: admin@sheilavandassociates.com
The following statements are true of Sheila V. & Associates, LLC (SV&A) and its subsidiaries to include, The Marketplace at SV&A, LLC (TMktP) and The SVM Global Freedom Fund and Learning Center as part of the SVM Global Initiative.
The information provided in Sheila V. & Associates’ conference calls and accompanying material is for informational purposes only and subject to change without notice.  It should not be considered legal or financial advice.  You should consult with an attorney or other professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. 
Sheila V. & Associates does not make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from following our advice or using our content. No one should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own financial advisor and conducting his or her own research and due diligence. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Sheila V. & Associates disclaims any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses.
Information provided on conference calls is not intended to and does not constitute legal advice or investment advice and no attorney-client relationship is formed. Your use of the information provided within the conference calls, on any website to which you are directed and/or provided via email is at your own risk.
Sheila V. & Associates, LLC nor do any of the businesses owned or operated by Sheila V. Tabarsi provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
Confidentiality Notice! This electronic transmission and any attached documents or other writings are confidential and are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) identified above with the stipulation that use "shall do no harm to the  reputation and/or businesses participating in The SVM Global Initiative specifically, Sheila V. & Associates, LLC, The Marketplace at SV&A, LLC and The SVM Global Freedom Fund. This email message may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure under applicable law. If the receiver of this information is not the intended recipient, or the employee, or agent responsible for delivering the information to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, reading, dissemination, distribution, copying or storage of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this information in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete the electronic transmission, including all attachments from your system.
Call In Number: (701) 801-1220      Pin: 495-223-756#
Next Conference Call Date and Time:   TBA       9:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM CST, 7:00 PM  MST, 6:00 PM  PST,  5:00 PM Alaska, 3:00 PM Hawaii, 11:00 AM the next day,  Australia. 

Join Our Facebook Group Page:

1. Click this link if you have not yet signed up to become a client of Sheila V. & Associates, or $0  Program Participant of the SVM Global Freedom Fund https://www.facebook.com/groups/svmglobalinitiative/

or Click this link if you are an existing client or program participant: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TMktPLaunchers/

2. Click the JOIN GROUP button.

3. Wait for one of our Admins to approve you!

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