We hereby resign from Sheila V and Associates, LLC.

Published: Wed, 11/05/14

I hereby tender my resignation with Sheila V and Associates, LLC.  I too was completely enamored by the Sheila V opportunity and her “Mission” to help the veterans. I was asked to come in and see what improvements could be made to finalize the launch.  I gave Sheila advice and she made me COO. 
A plan where it is stated that you can just put your money in and don’t have to do anything and you will earn thousands, I don’t believe is allowed. She says she can bring in millions of people. Do the math, at level 10 that is a million people. In order for the million to have just their weekly subscription paid takes 4 million and for them to break even it takes 16 million etc. Eventually, I don’t believe she can fulfill. I will leave that to your math to decide.
The decision was clear for me when she made the statement on the call.  “I am a prophetess …tarot cards … they are a living bible to me, they talk in an incredible way … I am ever so guided.”  It is my personal business opinion that such leadership will turn away far more people than it will attract and as a Christian I cannot be involved in such an endeavor.
Below you will see the response from Ed Mercer regarding the flurry of lies that were told on the calls about his assistance, both monetary and with people in the organization and other millionaires that were just dying to come over. All were untrue fabrications designed to get people to open their wallets. I wish you and yours all the blessings in the world and trust that God will guide and protect you. I am moving to an opportunity that I believe God has laid in my path and am excited for the future. 

Brad Dixon


I am resigning my position and cutting all ties from Sheila V. and the SV Zing Team Freedom Fund after personally talking to "the billionaire"  Ed Mercer and finding out everything Sheila V. has been saying  about Ed Mercer has been all lies. 
After the call with Lois McQuinn for TVG 11-3-14, the other night Sheila V. Tabarsi stated her "tarot cards are her guide and her living Bible..."   after being on the call with a Christian business woman...
That statement was a blatant slap in the face to all Christians and to the mighty God we serve, His Son Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit.

Also...  as a Christian...how did I miss this????
A quote from Sheila V. during a conference call earlier this year....
"So absolutely every single solitary thing that is done to counsel and guide people on a spiritual level, whether it be my tarot card readings, on a private 1 on 1, or whether it be a business consulting as a professional intuitive, parties that I do giving readings at parties ... all of that is further development of SVM Redseign Your Life America and SVM Global.org point to everything except for the spiritual life coaching that's going to be integrated in a different kind of way. First phase of SVM is going to include that in health and wellness development and spiritual development of an individual when they come into our system.

I am sorry I believed all the lies and do not feel as a born-again Christian I can be associated with a psychic and "prophetess" any longer, however I will continue to pray for Sheila V. to get the revelation of who Jesus Christ is.
I believe God is honoring the stand I am taking as a Christian and has opened the door to a much better opportunity that will honor him.

Pam Eppinette


This is LaRue Bowser. I am resigning from Sheila V. and Associates, LLC. I am resigning my position and cutting all ties from Sheila V. and the SV Zing Team Freedom Fund after information was presented to me concerning the lies about Ed Mercer, a Christian billionaire.
My final decision was made after the call with Lois McQuinn for TVG 11-3-14, the other night Sheila V. Tabarsi stated her "tarot cards are her guide and her living Bible..."   after being on the call with a Christian business woman...


Ed Mercer has requested that this information be sent to all people associated with Sheila V so that they will not make a decision based on false information. 

I have never had a conversation with Sheila V. Tabarsi regarding bringing in any people from Organo Gold. I have never had a conversation with Sheila V. regarding funding or investing in her program.
I  have never had a conversation regarding bringing in any Billionaires or Millionaires. 
Brad Hager does not even know who she is. I am not going to invest. I have no intentions of investing. I told her if she had property to sell i would be an agent. End of story!
I am not involved with or will I ever be involved with Sheila V. Tabarsi. When I was a guest on the call the other night, I thought it was a ligit call until I have been hearing all the lies and deception.
Stay clear...
I've never signed anything or am I even a member.

Ed Mercer