SV&A: Your Links to The PowerPoint Presentation & Pay Processor!

Published: Fri, 01/02/15

SVM Global Initiative
Hello ,


The long awaited SVM GLOBAL INITIATIVE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION is complete and accessible via this link. You may share it with as many persons in your contacts as you know. ABSOLUTELY NO SPAMMING! Sending this PowerPoint to individuals and/or businesses without their expressed permission can cost you $16,000 per recipient in fines and your account being shut down with all your funds seized by our new pay processor. It's not worth the risk! Otherwise, feel free to make the most of this opportunity.  Please share what you have dedicated so much of your time, attention and patience to over the last few months, and for some of you, the last year.

The file is a PDF and is approximately 1.4 MB in size.  This is too big for some of our chat rooms, so I made it accessible by way of a link. As well, you will find the same link on every significant page of the SV&A website

Page 4, of the 13-page presentation, can be used in place of any flyer previously sent to you to provide a one-page summary of our entire program.  This page is excellent to share with those that do not have enough time to go through the whole presentation.

Prospects can now sign up on the last page of the presentation to minimize the confusion some folks had when perusing the website. This works for me, because it could take a little longer than I anticipated for the web designers to make all the new changes I recently requested.

As for the PAY PROCESSOR, we are going to start with Solid Trust Pay (STP):
1. If you already have a Solid Trust Pay account, then you will need to make sure the email account you are using to log into Delavo and The Marketplace, is the same as what you have on file with your STP account.  You can easily change your assigned email with STP to match ours.
2. Solid Trust Pay is not the pay processor I referred to earlier last year as paying $25 per affiliate signing up, but it does have an affiliate partner program that allows account holders to earn commissions on the transactions of every person he/she introduces to STP. If you already have an STP account, feel free to provide your link to everyone you have invited to become a client or $0 Program Participant in SV&A.
3. If you, or the person who referred you, is not a current account holder, then use this  link to sign up.
4. Once you have received your personal STP link after signing up, you are more than welcome to reap the commission benefits from STP by sharing your personal STP link with your signups as you encourage them to become a part of our Global Initiative: 

If anyone is unable to sign up with STP because of a prior dispute, please let me know by responding to this email.

I will spend the rest of the evening processing. Mark is hoping to have everyone in The Marketplace before the conference call Saturday night, but there are still a significant number of people having trouble logging in. Rest assured, once this problem is solved it should not hold us up again.


All the best!!!

Sheila V.

Call In Number:    (518) 530-1840      Pin 593-655-084#
Next Call Date and Time: Saturday, January 3, 2015, 9pm EST.
Email Date: January 2, 2015
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