SVM Global Conference Call Schedule for this week! First call Monday PM 9:00 EST

Published: Mon, 02/16/15

SVM Global Initiative Updates
Hi ,

Hi all! Just a reminder about this week's SVM Global Initiative Update calls! Please see the call information at the bottom of the email. Calls this week are Monday - Friday at 9:00 PM EST and Saturday 1:00 PM EST.

Also, if you have not joined our Facebook page, the information is at the bottom. Please join for more updates!

The first call is tonight at 9:00 PM EST! See you there!



Call In Number:    (518) 530-1840      Pin 593-655-084#
Next Conference Call Date and Time: This week, February 16- 21; Monday -Friday 9 PM EST and 1:00 PM EST Saturday.

Join Our New Facebook Group Page for Updates:

1. Click this link

2. Click the JOIN GROUP button.

3. Wait for one of our Admins to approve you!

Email Date: February 16, 2015
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