The New Cycler: 10,000,000 Christian Business Leaders

Published: Wed, 06/03/15

SVM Global Initiative Updates
 June 3, 2015
Hi ,

I was just added to the following closed Facebook group:

"10,000,000 Christian Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs"

I also noticed that several other SV&A clients were added to the group, and likely without their knowledge. We are at too crucial a point in our development to suffer a "guilty by association" rap for appearing to be in alignment with this establishment.

I do not and will not support team members who insist on chasing Cyclers. For this reason, if any client of Sheila V. & Associates, LLC decides to join this Cycler, he/she may do so at their own risk, but it WILL mean the IMMEDIATE TERMINATION of the CLIENT/CONSULTANT AGREEMENT for the person involved and everyone else within the same household. I didn't enforce this rule when I made the request that SV&A Clients not associates with the team leaders of the UFUN business. Consequently, the hate bloggers used the association of an SV&A Client advertising for that establishment to justify their libelous claims that our entire company was in collusion with UFUN at the time of its demise.

You should all know by now that I have no problem standing up to terrorist level liars, however, I am concerned with carefulness on our part, not to provide a bases of truth to the lies they can't wait to tell, so please be mindful of your online associations, thank you!

I'm still working on placements. You'll all be receiving your TMktP invitation links soon! Yay!!!

Feel free to call me if you have any questions.

All the best!

Sheila V.
(310) 403-3329
Call In Number:    (518) 530-1840      Pin 593-655-084#
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