6-10-15 SVM Global Replay Info from our Q and A call!!! Also great info on updates in email!

Published: Wed, 06/10/15

SVM Global Initiative Updates
 June 10, 2015
Hi ,

Here is the replay information for the June 10, 2015 call:

Replay Linkhttp://stme.in/0khrLGu6A  (copy into a browser if it does not start when you click it). 

To call in by phone to listen, dial 518-530-1849 Pin 593-655-084# Ref #81

Please listen to the replay for complete information!

Please listen to this call completely, it was an excellent Q and A with Sheila and Mark. Many questions were answered so please do listen.

Here are a few of the key points:

* Payout has been put off a week while the rest of the members are successfully put into Delavo and the Marketplace. The target date is 6-18-15.

* Images for product submission on the form have been disable nowd. Please refresh that page and you should be able to submit your product and service now without an image.

* To submit your product or service, please ONLY use this site while the marketplace link is fixed:  https://sheilavandassociates.com/product-submission/

* If you are not yet in DELAVO and have NOT received your link to be entered into DELAVO you need to write admin@sheilavandassociates.com

* If you ARE in DELAVO, but NOT in The Marketplace, please write webmaster@svmglobal.com

* If you had the affiliate log in section in Delavo and to not now, it may be because your sponsor dropped out. If so, that section will be restored to you.

* If you have never had the affiliate login info section in Delavo, it would be because your role has not been assigned as you may still be on a list that is being added.That too is being addressed.

* If you are in Delavo and your email or address has changed you can log in there and change your email or address in Delavo. http://svmglobal.org/is

* If you need to change your email for Aweber (the emails from Rhonda or Sheila with the black header), please go to http://sheilavandassociates.com/info-and-updates/ and resubscribe.

* If you are getting more then one AWEBER (The emails with the black header from Rhonda or Sheila) simply unsubscribe from the email you no longer want to receive them from. No need to contact anyone to do that for you.

*There is also important information about the affiliate program and retro payouts for that in this recording.

All is going great! The Marketplace submission form is being fixed. Sheila is working hard with the programmers to get all ready for launch.  These are very exciting times. Very blessed times. Make sure you are a part of our Facebook Group page to receive other updates. The instructions to join that is in the bottom portion of this email.

Watch your emails for announcements for the next call.



Call In Number:    (518) 530-1840      Pin 593-655-084#
Next Conference Call Date and Time:   TBA       9:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM CST, 7:00 PM  MST, 6:00 PM  PST,  5:00 PM Alaska, 3:00 PM Hawaii, 11:00 AM the next day,  Australia. 

Join Our Facebook Group Page:

1. Click this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/svmglobalinitiative/

2. Click the JOIN GROUP button.

3. Wait for one of our Admins to approve you!

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