New Policy for $0 (Zero) Program Participation

Published: Tue, 07/28/15

SVM Global Initiative Updates
 July 28, 2015
Hi ,

The SVM Global Freedom Fund was established to help people in need of support to cover the cost of becoming a Standard Client of Sheila V. & Associates. As you all know, the fee is $110. It is the hourly fee for a consultation to determine the right fit for a client looking for a means to establish a suitable home based business or develop their small business idea. After the hour is spent, the fee can act as a retainer and the client can maintain their status within Sheila V. & Associates until such time they are placed in an affiliate partner program of their choice, benefit from the products and services offered, and most of all, the team build.

To be considered for funding, a person must first complete an application for $0 (Zero) Dollar Program Participation. Typically, the application is reviewed and the applicant is either "Disapproved" or "Approved" to be placed on a list for eligibility based on whether or not the information provided can convince members of the review board that he/she is unable to afford or pay the $110 Standard Client Service Fee out of pocket. There is no set criteria used to make this determination. It is obvious that a single parent of four living on social service assistance and employment, paying less than $1,500 a month qualifies. Whereas student, living with parents and a part-time job may not qualify – then again, he or she may qualify.

I have encouraged every participant in our SVM Global endeavor to bring in as many $0 Program Participants as can be signed up to increase our numbers before venturing into The Marketplace and by doing so we have over 1,500 signed up and awaiting funding. However, over the last two periods, between the time some first signed up until now, the financial situation of many "Approved" signees has improved. Someone who may have been well-qualified 18 months ago, is hardly qualified today, but instead of upgrading to a Priority Standard position, has decided to take advantage of having once been "Approved" and feels this is ethical amongst your peers. This is unacceptable.

Currently, the SVM Global Eligibility Review board consists of only one member, me, and there is not enough time to evaluate or re-evaluate the eligibility of new and previously "Approved" applicants before going into The Marketplace. Therefore, I will be imposing an "HONOR SYSTEM," so that for the time being, eligibility can be determined by the applicant. This determination will be refreshing for some; however, for those intended on misrepresenting their financial hardship will be heavily fined.

Since the beginning of 2015, I have received several reports of individuals’ I know to have been "APPROVED" for funding, later acquiring an income that would make them more than capable of affording the $110 fee to become a Priority Standard Client.

The policy for $0 Program Participants entering The Marketplace is now as follows:

#1.)  $0 Program Participants will not be allowed to advance beyond Subscription 1 – Marketplace Entry and Business Development, until such time it can be determined the applicant was indeed qualified to receive funding at the time he/she entered The Marketplace.

(This will not in any way affect the ability of teams to build in size and buying power, nor will it interfere with the team building efforts of other Subscription based businesses.) 

#2)  SVM Global Freedom Fund applicants discovered to have misreported or misrepresented their ability to pay the $110 fee out-of-pocket to become a Priority Standard Client before entering The Marketplace at SV&A will be imposed a fine of $5,000, to be paid before being allowed to advance to Subscription 2 – Lifestyle Lessons for Living Life Easier or within 90 day of entering The Marketplace. If the fine is not paid before the 90-day time period, the $0 Program Participant/Standard Client will be removed from the program and permanently deleted from the system.

Once the SVM Global Eligibility Review board is fully established, eligibility will be determined prior to any applicant entering The Marketplace. However, this policy will remain in effect to cover any period the review board is unable to determine eligibility and $0 Program Participants' are placed in accordance with previously agreed upon timelines.

If you have been awarded the status of $0 Program Participant/Standard Client by Sheila V. & Associates, and DO NOT wish to be held within the confines of this new policy, you have 7 days from the date of receipt of this email to either Upgrade to a Priority Standard Client or request permanent removal from the list of eligibility.


Sheila V. Tabarsi, CEO
Sheila V. & Associates, LLC
SVM Global Freedom Fund, Executive Director

Call In Number:    (701) 801-1220      Pin   593-655-084#
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