SVM Global Call Cancellation for tonight and newsletter!

Published: Wed, 08/05/15

SVM Global Initiative Updates
 August 5, 2015
Hi ,

Sheila contacted me and asked that I cancel the call for tonight. It is not her desire to do so, but it is necessary. I do know how many meetings she is in right now which are essential to the launch and this is taking much time and energy on her part. These meetings are integral to our future and it is very important that she be able to focus on these and prepare for them. To that end, it is our hope that this newsletter will give you the answers you need at this time.  Please be assured, all is progressing well and steadily!

First, we would like to inform you that our programmer, Mark, is going through a very difficult time in his personal life. He was informed yesterday afternoon, that his son had died. We all need to give him some time to take care of things with his family at this time. If you have written support tickets, please patiently wait for a response. We want him to be able to have some peace at this time to deal with the needs of his family. Thanks.

As to the program, we would like to respond to the more prevalent questions that are received:

1. Emails: Sheila has made great progress in the sending of the emails that many have received. She will be finishing up with those that bounced back due to using email domains that could not be received soon. Some clients had difficulty opening the PDF's. One way that clients opened the PDF was to send the email to a personal Gmail address.   The pdf's will be viewable from a Gmail address.

2. Upgrades: Clients may still upgrade at this time while the list is being finalized via the emails that have been being sent out. To do so, you will pay the difference between your current level and the level to which you upgrade to. This will change your position in the final list. To upgrade, please go to this link and follow the directions and steps:

3. Product Submissions:  You may continue to submit your products and services at this link. Please just follow the directions.

4. Our Facebook Page: To join our Facebook page, please follow the steps at the bottom of this email. It is a great way to interact with the other clients and see other quick updates that take place!

5. Sheila's up coming travel: Sheila is preparing to leave the country very soon. It is important to give her the space and time she needs to prepare to go and to also focus to those matters when traveling. This travel has to do with setting up very important aspects of SVM Global and is important to all of us. Please give her the time and space that she needs right now to rest and prepare in all ways to travel and be at her best for the upcoming meetings that are taking place. This will benefit her, and all of us. As we all need, any travel takes preparation, but travel out of the country takes time and planning and energy!

Sheila hopes you understand the need to reschedule this call and hopes that this information is beneficial and calming to all. It is difficult and demanding for her to continue to set up all the final aspects of SVM Global with  very limited staff. To do calls while preparing and attending to meetings and details is difficult to do at this time and has led to this week's cancellations, which she apologizes for. She will be in touch soon. We will keep you up to date via emails or our Facebook page, if needed also! All is well and is moving ahead in a positive manner!

Thanks all,


Call In Number:   (701) 801-1220      Pin   593-655-084#
Next Conference Call Date and Time:   TBA       9:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM CST, 7:00 PM  MST, 6:00 PM  PST,  5:00 PM Alaska, 3:00 PM Hawaii, 11:00 AM the next day,  Australia. 

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